Son Life’s Women in Mission are members of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) – the official women’s auxiliary of the LCMS with a membership of almost 200,000. Our local group of Women in Mission (WIM) at Son Life gives to the community in a variety of ways listed below. We meet on the second Sunday of every month to discuss future ideas and upcoming events. Please join us after the Son Life church service every 2nd Sunday, from 11 a.m.- 12 p.m., between September and April. There is always room for one more at the table.

Baby Boomerang Bottles ProjectBaby Boomerang Bottles Project | We collect baby bottles throughout the year to support women who are pregnant and involved with the First Care program. Bottles are turned in to First Care at the end of February each year.
Box TopsBox Tops | The box tops are blooming! Busy scissors have produced a bumper crop, and the yield to date has topped $225 worth of coupons that benefit local elementary schools, including several class pizza parties. Thank you for not letting those one-square-inches of paper, plastic, and cardboard go to waste.
Food DonationsFood Donations | C.R.O.S. Ministries is in need of canned vegetables, macaroni and cheese and school backpacks to support the disadvantaged children and their families who lost their jobs. Please drop them off in the Fellowship Hall.
GleaningGleaning | We have joined with C.R.O.S. Ministries to pick (glean) vegetables from farms around the area. We then use this food to feed the hungry.
Joanna Sewing CircleJoanna Sewing Circle | Joanna’s sewing circle needs people to do stuffing, sewing on labels and packaging the pillows for delivery to Bethesda. If you have some time in the afternoon, we could certainly use your help! This year so far, we finished 9 pillows, which were delivered to Bethesda Hospital. We meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., September through May.
Mite Box ProjectMite Box Project | Mite boxes are a voluntary giving method used by the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League for almost a century! Leaguers are encouraged to put their extra change in their own mite box throughout the year. Funds collected are then turned in as a donation to each local LWML prior to the annual convention and are used to help spread the Gospel.
Stamp CollectionStamp Collection | The box for cancelled postage stamps remains in the Fellowship hall. You can either trim a ¼-inch border or put them in the box untrimmed. Remember, for every pound of stamps we collect, we are able to purchase a Bible. With your stamp giving, we have been able to purchase up to 250 Bibles a year. So keep those stamps coming!

If you would like to learn more about LWML, Women in Mission (WIM) or would like to give your time, talents, ideas, or funds to this valuable ministry, please contact Margaret at (561) 642-4074.